Prescott Brothers Ford

Mar 25, 2020


According to the Car Care Council, April is National Car Care Month. Continue reading to learn some helpful ways you can maintain and improve the safety of your car this month.

How to Maintain Your Car This Spring

Replace Oil, Filters, and Fluids

Oil is the front line of defense to keep your engine running as it should. Without adequate amounts of clean oil, the engine suffers irreparable damage which means the lifetime and performance of your engine will be minimized. Use this month as a reminder to check your oil or have the oil and filters changed if it’s time to do so. Other fluids to consider inspecting should be brake, transmission, cooling, and power steering fluids as these could drastically impact the functionality and safety of the car.

Deep Clean Lights and Wipers

While the snowy season may be behind us, spring showers and the onslaught of spring pollen are just beginning. To ensure you can maintain clear visibility in these conditions, you’ll want to clean, check, or replace the windshield wipers, wiper fluid, and lights of your car.


Headlights in particular can become dim and frosted over with the buildup of salt from icy roads. Use a specialized cleaner to bring them back to their original shine. Any bulbs that need to be replaced should be addressed before the next heavy rain. Windshield wipers will not only aid visibility in the rain, they will also help remove the yellow pollen that can build up as the spring progresses. Be sure to top off the wiper fluid to remove the yellow streaks when necessary.

Check the Air Conditioning Components

While spring may have you opening all the windows as you enjoy the breeze of your afternoon commute, summer is right around the corner and so is heat and humidity. Take time now to have your air conditioning inspected. Check the HVAC system as well as the compressor and compressor belt. Doing so can ensure you can travel comfortably in the summer heat.

Schedule Service in Rochelle, IL

If you’re ready to schedule your annual tune-up to get your car running in mint condition, schedule service with our Ford service center at Prescott Brothers Ford of Rochelle. Our team will give your car the attention it needs and will help you create a regular maintenance schedule for future appointments. Give us a call or drop by our dealership today for more information.